"Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow." – Kurt Vonnegut
Hi! I'm Sean, I study Computer Science @ Cornell University.
This page summarizes my undergraduate work in computer graphics/vision, robotics, and simulation.
I'm also a pianist/composer, painter, hockey player, fly fisher, Old Norse/Latin poetry enthusiast,
graphic designer, and soon-to-be figure skater!
Auto-Riggable Gaussian Characters (WIP)
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson, Evan Zhang, Justin Tien-Smith
Recently, techniques for solving gaussian splats of dynamic scenes
(Dynamic3DGaussians, 2024)
have found success in using local rigidity constraints to enforce spatial and temporal consistency.
We use this detailed representation and decompose it into the rigid parts and joints which describe their
movement. This procedure makes no assumptions about the anatomy of the dynamic entities within the scene and
therefore should work equally well for all people, animals, machines---anything that moves about a discrete set
of joints. We're currently implementing the joint solver after getting promising results for our clustering
algorithm to find the bones.
Our final deliverable will be an animation-ready gaussian rig and a portable format for them. Clustering also
massively downsizes the storage requirements because local rigidity means gaussians are predictive of their
neighbors---no need to track all of them. We are also developing more visualizations to help understand
the limitations of the representation present. In doing so, we have spotted some new failure modes of the
original method, like how some regions gradually creep into neighboring regions over time.
GitHub Repo
Visual Navigation with Traversability Priors
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson, Will Huey
Continuing our work with open-vocabulary traversability, we were interested in training smaller models on
specific traversability scenarios. Our original model was too large to fit on the ANYmal's NVIDIA Jetson
processor and its inference speed was quite slow (~7s). Since we did not experiment with prompts that changed
during rollout, we were wasting a lot of compute by preserving its open-vocabulary capabilities. Thus we chose
to train a smaller model on the bigger model with a fixed prompt. For example, "you are a robot who cannot
climb stairs". Model distillation is not so interesting on its own, but being able to do so over an abstract
description of traversability is quite useful.
In this paper, we demonstrate that weak traversability priors can be obtained from large open vocabulary image
segmentation models and that they appear to be consistent across environments. We then apply model distillation
techniques to train a smaller traversability prediction network capable of real time inference, and demonstrate
a heuristic that uses this distilled network to perform obstacle avoidance when roaming freely.
GitHub Repo | Project Paper | Undergrad Research Poster
Let it SIMmer / Open-Vocabulary Traversability
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson, Will Huey
Generalizing to new and dynamic environments is a significant challenge in mobile robotics. Nowadays,
vision-aware models are more prevalent and significantly powerful. These models are capable of producing robust,
semantic features that make downstream tasks like navigation significantly easier. Images are rich enough to
characterize many cues that geometric information alone does not provide.
Three implementations comprise our overall method. In total, our system allows for streaming from a robot to a
compute node which then answers classification requests from users in either Isaac Sim or Rviz.
- Voxvis: An extension for NVIDIA Omniverse's Isaac Sim to interface with the voxel segmentations; we also provide a similar accompanying Rviz visualization. Communication between the modules is implemented in ROS, making it suitable for both live, simulated, and replay data.
- OVT: An open-vocabulary traversability segmentation framework. This is a ros node that processes incoming RGB-D images and extracts embeddings for each pixel and then bundles it with odometry and pose data from the robot. (We don't collapse the embeddings into a classification yet, we let it SIMmer)
- Voxseg: A bridge between OVT and Voxvis, Voxseg simultaneously updates the internal voxelized embeddings and handles requests from Voxvis for a particular user-specified, open-vocabulary classification over them.
GitHub Repo | Project Paper
Compositional Splatting for Construction Sites
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson, Evan Zhang, Natalie Leung, Danish Qureshi, Dyllan Hofflich
We investigate the potential applications of gaussian splatting on construction sites to capture a holsitic
digital twin throughout the construction process via legged robots. This project was our collective introduction
to gaussian splatting, so a large portion of it is dedicated to a review of currently existing methods. This was
a great experience even though we did not acheive our goals.
We used NVIDIA Omniverse to model our simulated environment and an ANYmal-D equipped with a RGBD camera.
One part of our team worked with the Blender-to-Omniverse connector to try and get realistic construction
environs for us to simulate.
Project Paper
Fractal Raytracer
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson, Jack Otto
This fractal raytracer was a creative assignment for Cornell's CS4620 graphics course. The premise was simply to
take the raytracer we had just completed in a prior assignment and augment it with some new feature. We chose to
try generating some constructive solid geometry fractals. The idea is quite simple; our scene is composed of two
types of objects: spheres and reentrant spheres. Rays which hit spheres bounce as they would ordinarily for solid
geometry, rays which hit a reentrant sphere descend recursively into copies of the scene. We also treat the
reentrant spheres as subtractive of the solid spheres they intersect, so rays that leave a subscene won't end up
inside solid geometry. If a ray passes through the subscene and doesn't hit either a solid or reentrant
primitive, it decrements its recursive depth until it has popped off all the layers it has descended.
We were halfway through implementing the algorithm in CUDA, so maybe one day we'll finish that up. :-)
LLMímir: Evaluating GPT-4 on Old Norse Verbs
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson
Most people aren't aware that Icelandic is GPT-4's second language; but it is. What could this portend
for its related, low-resource ancestor Old Norse?
Old Norse (often called Old Icelandic) is a language which is incredibly similar to modern Icelandic.
For that reason, I was interested in investigating how trustworthy it might be for questions on Old Norse
grammar and potentially for creative and academic/self-study uses. Would GPT-4 benefit from more exposure
to Icelandic or would that bleed into its understanding of Old Norse?
This paper examines GPT-4 on all Old Norse verbs and their verb forms. The experiment was conducted at a
temperature of 0 (since I could not afford to sample multiple responses per form) and with a blank context.
This scenario should be nearly deterministic and yield low variance responses.
Project Paper
Quantitative-Competitive Language Learning
Credits: Sean Brynjólfsson
This is a toy project aiming to use a LLM as a model-of-language. That might seem redundant, but what I mean
by that is I care about the actual distribution over tokens, not the sampling/generative procedure that
LLMs are typically synonymous with. Given a distribution of tokens, I compute an approximate branching factor
using the perplexity of the distribution and compare it with the user-supplied token probability; this gives a
soft estimate for whether or not the model regards the next token as one of the possible continuations of the
context preceding it. For example, if the branching factor is 40 but the token's probability is much less than
1/40 there's probably something weird going on.
What's so competitive about this? Well, my vision is to be able to place users on a distribution that spans from
noise, then to language-learners, then natives, then to the model itself. The key is to derive a stable metric
which corresponds to "yeah, this sentence is plausibly written by a native"; something I think is
possible if enough care is taken to normalize over the relative probability of equally-viable but not
equally-likely tokens. With that, users could get empirical feedback and track their progress as they learn a
foreign language and even compete with each other to produce the most or "highest quality" text.